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Transport tax: how much do they pay abroad

Transport tax: how much do they pay abroad

the Overseas territory will have the right to independently raise the transportation tax. Soon some of us will be forced to pay more for the right to drive our own cars. Our taxes, however, are not the largest in the world. However, not the smartest

the Overseas territory will have the right to independently raise the transportation tax. Soon some of us (for example, residents of the Moscow region, Stavropol, Kaliningrad, Belgorod region motorists) will be forced to pay more for the right to drive their cars. Our taxes, however, are not the largest in the world. However, not the smartest either.

Keep in mind that overseas vehicle taxes only depend on engine power. The more horses - the more you pay, this rule applies even to planes (with the exception of jets). 

Until 2003, money collected from car owners was directed to a dedicated road fund and purposely used for road construction, maintenance and repairs. In the last six years, the amount has been included in the budget. So it turns out that officials who buy official vehicles with APBD money every year replace their state-owned limousines, including at the expense of ordinary drivers.

There are not many states where, like ours, drivers pay the number of "horses" regardless of their quality. 

For the past five to ten years, in civilized countries, with the help of taxes, the authorities have tried to regulate the transport situation so that cities do not get stuck in traffic jams, and their inhabitants do not suffocate from exhaust gases. Almost all of Europe has introduced tax incentives for owners of green cars and, conversely, sanctions for drivers of "dangerous cars".

Most importantly, Germany experimented with transportation taxes. Even last year, in different states of Germany, taxes were formed according to completely different principles. In some places, fiscal collects money from burgers for the weight and dimensions of the car. But basically the ecology class is important. In some regions of Germany, the driver's euro goes to the treasury automatically - when registering a car, the owner must provide his bank account number, from which the authorities themselves remove the tax.

Since July 2009, a motorist taxation principle has been introduced in Germany. The driver pays for the engine size and CO2 emissions at the same time. Car "cubes" with a gasoline engine are not so expensive - 2 euros for every 100 cm3. The volume of diesel cars is more expensive - 9 euros for every 100 cm3.

But besides that, car owners in Germany pay the amount of CO2 emissions, and this gas costs much more: 2 euros per gram! However, there is a degree of preference - if the car emits less than 120 grams of CO2 per kilometer, then Germany does not have to pay for the environment. However, this limit will be reduced annually: in 2012, Germany will lower the maximum permissible "free exhaust" to 110 grams per kilometer, and in 2014 to 95. This system encourages the purchase and production of more environmentally friendly cars. At the same time, it plays into the hands of hybrid car owners - having a fairly powerful car, they pay very little taxes.

An almost identical system operates in France. When registering a new car, the owner pays a budget fee, the amount of which depends on the engine power of the car (and not on its volume, as in Germany). 

In addition, most car owners have to pay for every gram of CO2 their iron horse releases into the atmosphere. But car owners who emit less than 200 grams of gas per kilometer are exempt from paying this one-time tax. The money raised from the "muffler" is used to finance environmental programs in France.

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